Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gardasil Vaccine Link To Cerebral Vasculitis

A research article published in Pharmceutical Regulatory Affairs (PRA) in 2012 indicates that the Gardasil vaccine given to two teenage girls on opposite sides of the world to try and prevent cervical cancer may be linked to their deaths from Cerebral Vasculitis.

The PRA article is analysed in Issue 3, 2012 of The Informed Parent newsletter (UK) and also on the website of Sanevax, Inc. (USA).  I can highly recommend subscribing to the newsletter of the Informed Parent if you wish to remain updated on current research re vaccinations.

Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines contain the HPV-16-L1 protein, an antigen.  Antigens are either a toxin or another foreign substance that induce an immune response in the body.  These antigens are not supposed to cross the blood brain barrier.  

The recent paper describes research by Drs. Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic in which they tested post-mortem central nervous system samples from the two girls mentioned above for the presence of the specific antigens used in the two vaccines mentioned above; HPV-16-L1 and HPV-18-L1. 

They did discover HPV-16-L1 antigen particles within the blood vessels in the brain, some of the particles had adhered to the blood vessel walls.  In other words, this is the equivalent of a ‘Gardasil fingerprint’ and it should not have been found in brain tissues.

It is possible that the particles were able to pass the blood brain barrier on the aluminium adjuvant which the proteins in the vaccine are adsorbed to.  An adjuvant is supposed to enhance the immune response to a vaccine by the body, in theory so that less of the actual bacteria or virus from the disease is needed.

The researcher’s analysis also showed that the abnormal activation of the immune response in which the immune attack is directed towards the blood vessels of the brain, triggered an autoimmune cerebral vasculitis.

Many of the symptoms reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following HPV vaccinations are indicative of Cerebral Vasculitis but are not recognised as such, i.e. intense persistent migraines, syncope (loss of consciousness), seizures, tremors and tingling, myalgia, locomotor abnormalities, psychotic symptoms and cognitive deficits.  

See the Sanevax, Inc. website for a VAERS reports after HPV vaccine totalling 28,433 people as at December 2012. See the Smart Vax website for a discussion on whether aluminium may cause vaccine injury.  Aluminium (suggested as a contributing factor to Alzheimer's condition) has been used increasingly as an adjuvant instead of the mercury found in thimerosal since this has been reduced or phased out due to queries over its' contribution to the condition autism.  The question must be raised with either one; since when is has it been a good idea to inject neuro-toxic heavy metals into the body?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Why Skype Is So Amazing For Nutrition Consultations!!

I started using Skype for Nutrition consultations a couple of years ago.  It has been really effective and has enabled me to speak to clients at a great distance giving a much more personal emphasis than telephone or email dialogue. 

The facility also allows the typing through of information needed to be ‘taken away’ from the session or send through links to supplements or other information whilst chatting with my clients. 

Additionally, when discussing the reasons behind why changes are needed I can draw simple examples of how the body works – very simple! and hold these up to the screen to share.  This is something I would do in a face to face session so enables the consultation to be much more like that basis.

Last week I had 3 Skype consultations, one of them was from a client in a local city who would have visited here.  However, the snowy weather disrupting travel meant that Skype was the perfect alternative and the appointment did not need to be moved back as can so often happen in these weather conditions.
Ackworth in the Snow
Distance has become ‘no object’.  I have had successful Skype consultations with clients in the North, South, East and West of the U.K. and also in Europe.  Now that this is a possibility, earlier consultations conducted to as far as New Zealand could easily be switched to the Skype mode.

Finally, being able to see someone in person whilst chatting is just amazing, it is the next best thing to being in the same room, and that makes such a difference to the quality of the consultation.

Signing up to use Skype could not be easier, I find it a great way to keep in touch with family too - especially with all of my family living so far away.  Here is the link for the Skype website

Friday, January 11, 2013

“You know everything about keeping myself healthy – the doctor won’t be able to tell me how to do that!”

I felt highly complimented during a telephone consultation with a client earlier this week, when they made the above comment to me.  I was also delighted to acknowledge the willingness to take self-responsibility for one’s own health that it displayed.  This lovely lady first came to see me about 10 years ago and using both Nutrition and Naturopathy was able to improve the health issues she was suffering, not discussed here for confidentiality purposes, obviously. My client has given full permission for this post.

Fresh Nutrition is a brightly coloured, alkalising and delicious way to help us keep our energy and our immune system at a consistently high level.  Naturopathy as a range of techniques is a tool kit that helps us to detoxify the body of the acidity that has created unmanageable symptoms of illness.  This lady returned to me for a refresher session to remind her to find some time to get back on track with the Naturopathy as a support, as her diet was already ‘clean’ but stressful circumstances had contributed to growing acidity which was causing uncomfortable symptoms and a visit to the GP in December had not proved productive.

It is so important too, to look at the mental/emotional balance and whilst recognising that time was needed for Naturopathy, this lady also admitted that time was needed for inner reflection, acknowledging her feelings and also for Creativity.  There are many ways available to us now to honour this aspect of our being and establish how our emotional life may be draining our physical body.  Certainly, in all the cases I have taken over the years, it seems clear that there is nothing more acidifying to the body than stressful events and circumstances resulting in negative thought patterns, which prevent us from living with joy and health in the now.

The second part of the statement though is a sad one; that doctors are not associated in the truest sense of the meaning in helping us keep ourselves healthy.  They have an arsenal of drugs now - which can suppress a multitude of symptoms that have arisen once we are unhealthy, or remove organs which seem past redemption, but there is very little in these approaches which will help us return to a full picture of vibrant health, or help us take responsibility for doing so ourselves.

It takes both time and commitment to ‘Look After You’ but long term the benefits of doing so as we get older are enormous!  My father was 80 years old in December and he is still working part time as a self-employed accountant.  He is healthy and mentally well and alert and has no chronic health problems – therefore, he does not take any drugs and has not had any surgery.  I believe he has achieved that state of health at that age, mainly through a freshly prepared diet which is largely vegetarian and high in fruit and vegetables, along with a range of supplements and the moderate exercise he takes each day with his beloved dog.  Many people were surprised that he was that age when his birthday was mentioned last year, he certainly does not look it and he moves with ease, though perhaps a tiny bit less speed these days!

My mother is in her early 70's and equally healthy and as vital and lively as many people 50 years younger, the hours she spends gardening would outpace most people, and the approach she took to supporting well-being by always researching alternative remedies rather than seeking medical suppression was a useful example that has been of great benefit to me and my family.

It is my parents’ early role modelling which has motivated me over the years to maintain health through what I eat and how I seek to support it and I am grateful for that inspiration – my only wish is to help and encourage others to do the same if they seek out my services and to endeavour to share everything I know about how to keep healthy!