Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why Wait until infants are six months of age before Weaning.

I read an article on the BBC website today, four scientists advocate that the WHO and DH recommendation to breastfeed exclusively until babies are six months old may not be advisable. They postulate the it may increase the risk of food allergies and iron deficiency. Their opinion is based on a review of 33 research studies where they say the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Department of Health (DH) recommendation to wait to wean until babies are six months old rested largely on a review of 16 studies.  In actual fact the current WHO policy came about after a systematic review of 3,000 studies on the feeding of infants, and re-reviewed relevant evidence in 2009.

The question I always ask first however, is - who has paid for this review study of the research to be done? It did not take long to establish that 3 out of the 4 researchers: Mary Fewtrell, Alan Lucas and David Wilson receive funding from the baby food industry. Professor Lucas in particular has opposed the WHO/DH guidance for some years. There is an excellent answering article to the results of the study and the media reporting of it at the following link by the Baby Milk Action team.

Look After You's Baby Weaning seminar for health and parenting practitioners offers sound updating to pass onto parents as to "Why wait to Wean". Please contact us on 01977 612008 or via the email on our website to enquire about open or inhouse training days.