Saturday, February 18, 2012

Eat Your Greens! - Britons eat fewer greens than the rest of Europe 

I had intended to comment on the above article much earlier than this, you know - NewYear's resolutions and a weekly blog - ahem!  The article summarises interesting research showing that Britons do not eat enough fruit and veg, such a pity that we are tailing so far behind, although most of Europe is not making the 400g daily of fruit and vegetables recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Vegetables in particular provide a rainbow's worth of nutrition when included in our diets and to boot are highly alkalising.  Our cells, tissues, and blood are at their healthiest when alkaline so alkalising foods help maintain our wellbeing at a necessary pH for optimum function. 

Additionally, vegetables are high in antioxidants those helpful vitamins and minerals that keep us from oxidising inside, extend our shelf life if you like!!  A little fruit is also helpful and alkalising, but no need to overdo it as too much brings in too much sugar.  Fruit is high in prebiotic sugars which feed the good probiotic bacteria in the gut.   Have a piece of fruit with your breakfast and then one more piece for a snack later with a few nuts and seeds.

Five vegetables a day is a small quantity really - a good salad could contain that if it is to have any flavour, e.g. rocket and watercress, cucumber, grated carrot, red pepper, tomato, spring onion etc. plus some fresh herbs off the windowsill like basil and mint added - hmm delicious.  Email me for a scrumptious home made dressing recipe to go with your salad!

The evening meal is another great opportunity to bring in a good selection of vegetable - ideally it should be 80% vegetables on the plate with just 20% protein, this again helps the acid versus alkaline balance as the majority of proteins are acid forming.

Vegetables are amazing, they provide not only nutrients but also a wealth of colour, texture and sensory experience on a plate, go on, Eat ya greens!!

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