"You couldn't have it if you wanted it." the Queen said "The rule is, jam tomorrow, and jam yesterday.........but never jam today."
"It must sometimes come to 'jam today'," Alice objected.
Wayne Dyer offers this quote in his book 'Your Erroneous Zones' as a reminder not to worry about the future or to live in the past but to stay right now in the present moment. He writes: "How about you? Any jam today? Since it must come sometime, how about now?"
Whilst as a nutritionist, I wouldn't advocate the use of jam every day or any day for that matter - far too sugary!! - I do love the idea that if we are just living in this very moment without letting our mind delve into a past guilt or hurt or letting it dive into a terrifying future that life is good and we can get on with doing what we came here to do. As Wayne Dyer points out if we are sitting worrying we are not being productive or useful!
For me, the time I find it easiest to be in the now is when I am in nature - transfixed by the way the sun enhances every view I look at as beautiful to behold. Especially when nature sneaks in - like these poppies into a local field crop, for me to enjoy whilst I walk the dog.
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