Friday, June 15, 2012

Bee Kind - Growing a Bee friendly garden

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust have just launched their new website and there is a great section on it for helping focus your garden on Bee friendly flowers and plants at this address: Buddleia above being one of the flowers that both bees and butterflies love.

You may have heard that the bee population is declining and this presents cause for concern for the future of farming as bees pollinate the food crops we eat.  Apparently we have lost 97% of our flower rich grassland since the 1930's and as flowers are Bee's food source - this has contributed to a major decline in their numbers.

In addition Dr Sainudeen Pattazhy has carried out a study which demonstrates that Cell phone tower radiation affects the honeybees ability to navigate their way back home as it disrupts their ability to tune into the earth's magnetic fields which they use to find their way back to their hive.  Other researchers have duplicated these findings.  Please see this link: