Thursday, June 17, 2010

Look After You run small retreats only - so that each individual has plenty of TLC and physical space to relax in.  Ty Sidonie is a newly renovated house in the small village of Gare De Motreff in Central Brittany.  The venue is accessible from local airports Dinard and Brest and the seaport Roscoff.  Our press release has photos of the house and garden.  What about some Look After You time?

The Detox Retreat menu is prepared for you and relevant supplementation will be provided.  Each Retreat participant will receive a complimentary Reflexology session. The house is opposite an old railway track which is now a walking and biking track, providing access to the Montagnes Noires (The Black Mountains).  The patio and garden are pleasant places to relax, and a small river runs past the bottom of the garden where dragonflies gather in abundance.

The Retreat is booked from 6th to 9th July, 2010 and costs £300.  Full nutritional and naturopathic guidance will be given during your stay and pre retreat guidance will be given on how to make dietary changes so that you gain full benefit from your juice detox.  Please contact Suzy on 01977 612008 or email to if you are interested and would like a full itinerary.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Juice and Detox Retreat in North Yorkshire

At the end of April I was invited to a friend's log cabin in North Yorkshire for a mini break.  Jen is a Nutritional therapist too so I suggested we use the space for juicing and detoxing retreat.  The Champion juicer went for a mini break too!  These kind of detoxes are so much easier if you have the physical, mental and emotional space for them.  Even better if you are able to be away in a nurturing green environment with none of the everyday stresses and rat race around you. 

We both prepared by eating an alkalising diet before hand but especially for the two days before and then the two days after our retreat.  Naturopathic techniques were used throughout the time period to support the cleanse taking place.  Jen accessed the delicious organic vegetables from a local supplier she knew of, so we had a different juice at each "meal" using carrot as a base each time.  Scrumptious! 

Meanwhile the high energy provided by the appetising juices and lack of cooking needed left huggins of time to roam the glorious countryside surrounding us.  Up hill and down dale, enjoying fantastic views and wild flower spotting combined with deer, squirrel, unnusual insects and other wildlife crossing our path from time to time.  As for the rabbits around the cabin they were like another form of traffic going past there were so many of them, no fear whatsoever!

Returned home feeling totally recharged and ready for the world and with a "carrot juice" tan so looked as if I had been for a really good break!!  The Look After You Juice Detox Retreat in Central Brittany - July 6th-9th 2010, has limited places available, if that's of interest let me know.

For more information about services offered by Look After You see